Alexandre THOMAS



photo de profil

My name is Alexandre and I am an engineer graduated from the Institut Supérieur de l'Électronique et du Numérique (ISEN) of Brest, with a major in Software Engineering. I currently hold the position of Fullstack Computer Science Engineer at Orange Business Services, and I mainly work with Microsoft .NET and Azure technologies. Always passionate about digital sciences and new technologies, I aspire to work on technically and humanly rewarding projects in order to continue to expand my skills and knowledge in this field.

-- Hidden text -- With the aim of completing my fourth year, I am currently looking for a technical internship from May 2021. If you are interested, do not hesitate to consult my projects or my resume! -- Hidden text --


icone développement logiciel


icone langage C sharp C#
icone framework dot net .NET
icone langage C C
icone langage C plus plus C++
icone framework Qt Qt
icone langage Java Java
icone langage Python Python
icone développement Web


icone langage HTML HTML
icone langage CSS CSS
icone langage JS JavaScript
icone langage TS TypeScript
icone framework angular Angular
icone framework ASP dot net core ASP.NET Core
icone langage PHP PHP
icone framework Symfony Symfony
icone bases de données


icone conception de base de données Conception
icone MySQL MySQL
icone SQL Server Microsoft SQL Server
icone outils


icone logiciel Git Git
icone logiciel GitHub GitHub
icone logiciel Azure DevOps Azure DevOps
icone langage R R


  • logo isen yncréa ouest

    October 2022 - Today

    Computer Science Engineer at Orange Business Services

    Developer within the Innovation Cloud & Apps department of OBS, I participate in the design and development of various projects for client companies. I work in particular with .NET Core, Angular, Azure, and Azure DevOps technologies.

  • logo isen yncréa ouest

    2020 - 2022

    ISEN Engineering degree

    Obtaining the title of Graduate Engineer from ISEN Brest with a major in Software Engineering.

  • logo isen yncréa ouest

    October 2021 - September 2022

    Apprenticeship at Orange Business Services

    In the continuity of my internship, I did my last year of work-study engineering at OBS. During this year, I initially continued on the client project of my internship, then I worked on an assistance chatbot project intended for new employees of the company with the Power Virtual Agent solution.

  • logo isen yncréa ouest

    May - August 2021

    Internship at Orange Business Services

    3-month application internship carried out in the ICA service (Innovation Cloud and Apps) of OBS Digital & Data entity in Rennes. During this internship, I joined a project team and participated in the development of a client solution with ASP.NET and Angular.

  • logo bookbeo

    July - August 2019

    Internship at BookBeo

    Completion of a seven-week technical internship in the Bretonne start-up BookBeo in Rennes. I mainly participated in the development of a human-machine interface with the Qt framework as well as the update of Android mobile applications. For further information, you may check my technical annex (in french).

  • logo secours populaire

    Juillet 2018

    Internship in Secours Populaire of Rennes

    Completion of a two-week associative internship at Secours Populaire in Rennes. This experience allowed me to understand how an association works and to help the most disadvantaged. For further information, you may check my internship report (in french).

  • logo isen yncréa ouest


    Preparatory class at ISEN

    Preparatory class at ISEN with "Computer and Network" program

  • lycée St Joseph de Bruz


    Science baccalaureate degree

    Graduate from high school with a scientific baccalaureate option biology and a specialization in digital sciences with honors at Lycée St Joseph of Bruz.


logo certification voltaire


"Business" level
Score : 785
logo certification toeic


B2 level
Score : 965/990
logo certification azure fundamentals

Microsoft Certified: Azure Fundamentals

logo certification azure developer

Microsoft Certified: Azure Developer



  • Top 6
  • All
  • Web
  • Software
  • Other
miniature projet site web gestion de BDE

Classification of marine sponges

Python software and Deep Learning
miniature projet apprentissage machine pour jeu snake

Machine learning for Snake

C++ software
miniature projet site web de covoiturage

Carpooling website

Full Stack Web
miniature projet jeu arcade ataxx

Arcade game

C++ software
miniature projet visualiseur d'image médicales

Medical image viewer

C++ software
miniature projet film sur l'aventure

Short film about adventure

Human and Social sciences class